The following are my notes from a talk I gave to the BioTensegrity Trailblazers group in 2023. One day I’ll format them for more coherent digestion.

There are a lot of things that puppets are good at. My interest: Uncanny Movement.

“Uncanny” is strange, mysterious and unsettling. It often implies a feeling of being surprised or confused by something that is eerily familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time.

Good Puppetry

Uncanny life. Goddamn I love this play. Three people is so many people, though.

Uncanny life. Goddamn I love this play. Three people is so many people, though.

When I saw a video of Tom Flemon’s torso and pelvis model, I flipped.

When I saw a video of Tom Flemon’s torso and pelvis model, I flipped.

Ultimately people need to feel the things for themselves. Seeing it move, and like, really move.

Puppet Problems

Barriers to widespread adoption or understanding.